Vitiviniculture is a thousand-year long custom in our country. Since the very discovery of wine-making from juicy grapes, this beverage brings joy and perfect mood.
Republic of Moldova is acclaimed as a country with developed practices of vitiviniculture, placing it among the most important wine countries of the world. Our wines, spirits, sparking wines have been bestowed with hundreds of acclaimed awards at international exhibitions and contests. Our beverages are popular in more than 55 countries.
Moldovan wine-makers have developed and produce ...
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Festivals are rather popular and are celebrated in crowds. As a rule, official national holidays are accompanied with competitions, launch of new products, trade fairs, concerts, mass events and many other manifestations.
Every settlement of Moldova celebrates its Hram (holiday day of a settlement, which is different for every village or town). During Chisinau’s Day, into the central street of the city enterprises advertise and sell its products, scientific institutes demonstrate its achievements, artists deliver performances, ethnographic societies introduce customs and cultures...
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The Wine Day is a tradition to celebrate the end of the harvest season and the start of the new winemaking period in Moldova. The event promotes the Moldovan people millenary culture of creation and consumption of quality wine and conscious and moderate wine consumption, through education. The festival has become one of the most popular events of its kind in the world. But those who attended the Wine Day in Moldova at least once are sure that there is nothing more outstanding out there.
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Ca în fiecare an, de Ziua Națională a Vinului, vinăriile din Republica Moldova își deschid ușile și vin cu oferte speciale pentru toți doritorii de a participa într-o excursie la vinărie.
În cadrul evenimentului, pe Piața Marii Adunări Naționale, va fi organizat un info point turistic, care va oferi vizitatorilor tururi tematice din inima capitalei spre originile vinurilor de calitate din țara noastră: galerii subterane, beciuri, vii, săli de degustare, crame și pensiuni. Vinării mici și mari așteaptă vizitatorii cu programe speciale și posibilitatea de a descoperi legendele Vinului Moldovei, de a afla secretele vinificatorilor și ...
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The governor of Gagauzia, Irina Vlah, invites all interested people to visit the Wine Festival "Gagauz şarap yortusu - 2016", which will take place on November 6 in Comrat at 11:00.
The Wine Day is an annual celebration held in Comrat, which acquaints visitors with the culture and traditions of the Gagauz people.
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One of the most awaited events of the year will take place on 7-8 October 2017. The National Wine Day marks the secular tradition of winemaking of Moldova. The event will be celebrated in the entire country.
This year is the 16th edition, hosted by the national wine brand” Wine of Moldova. A legend alive”. Wine and vine motifs are deeply rooted in local culture, and are the core features of National Wine Day..
These motifs can be explored in a series of activities such as ”The Wine School”, where visitors can learn the art of appreciating, consuming and serving wines under the guidance of expert sommeliers, or ”The Wine Rou...
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Autumns are known for their rich harvest, but for Winetours Moldova this autumn is particularly fruitful. At the 16th edition of the National Wine Day, Winetours Moldova was awarded by Wine of Moldova (National Office for Vine and Wine) for outstanding achievements in the development and promotion of oenotourism. For the first time a travel agency is awarded with the Gratitude Medal "Wine of Moldova. A legend alive". Candidates for prizes for excellence in the wine sector have been proposed and evaluated by a republican committee of experts of the field.
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