team awarded for outstanding achievements in the field of wine tourism

Autumns are known for their rich harvest, but for Winetours Moldova this autumn is particularly fruitful. At the 16th edition of the National Wine Day, Winetours Moldova was awarded by Wine of Moldova  (National Office for Vine and Wine) for outstanding achievements in the development and promotion of oenotourism. For the first time a travel agency is awarded with the Gratitude Medal "Wine of Moldova. A legend alive".  Candidates for prizes for excellence in the wine sector have been proposed and evaluated by a republican committee of experts of the field.

Ziua Vinului 2017 premiu

Veronica Tomescu, co-founder of "Winetours Moldova": "It is a great honor to receive this award and we are grateful for appreciating our efforts. We love Moldova and the Wine of Moldova, and our mission is to offer amazing and memorable wine experiences in our country by guaranteeing first class service. We are sure that Moldova will be very soon listed in the top of the preferences of the international travelers.”

Ziua Vinului 2017 premiu medalie

The interest towards the Republic of Moldova as a tourist attraction it is increasing every year. The National Wine Day has become, over time, the main event that highlights our traditions, recognized within our country and abroad, as well the Wine of Moldova represents us abroad as a true ambassador. This year's National Wine Day attracted thousands of foreign tourists who were greeted at the airport with a bottle of wine and a map of Moldova with most important wine tourism attractions.

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