
On January 28, 2017, the winery "Milestii Mici" invites you to retrieve the holy treasure in its cellars, at the winter festival "The Wine Citadel – the past and the present". You are invited to enjoy traditional dishes, paired with mulled wine, to enjoy Moldovan and Balkan folk music. The official opening of the festival is scheduled for 12.00. The ticket price is only 150 lei / person and includes free transfer from Chisinau, a winery tour, a souvenir-gift and many positive emotions. Shuttles will be waiting for you at the station next ...
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Wine of Moldova continues to surprise wine enthusiasts with a new series of events "Wine Friendly ", dedicated to the culture of wine consumption, with the theme "Discover the terroir in the glass." The campaign will take place from January 28 to February 28 in multiple places in Chisinau. Connoisseurs and wine enthusiasts will attend to wines tasting, guided by certified sommeliers, who will present the PGI certified white, rose and red wines (Protected Geographical Indication) from Moldova and champagne and wines from Small Wine Producers. ...
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Are you passionate about wine and sport? We highly recommend you a unique wine race in Moldova Cricova Wine Run 2017.  Wine Run is a unique race in Europe, at a depth of 100 meters in the wine cellars of Cricova from Republic of Moldova, on distance of 10 km.  The competition is held to promote running, healthy l...
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08 December 2016
Winter holidays begin surprises and magic for enthusiats of the Wine of Moldova. From 9 to 28 December, on the eve of the Wine Vernissage, will take place a new campaign ”Wine Friendly”. Gheorghe Arpentin, the director of the National Office of Vine and Wine: "The aim of the project is to continue the familiarization of the public with the concept of ”Wine Friendly”and encourage conscious consumption of wine qua...
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On December 15, 2016 The Wine Vernissage will bring together all wine enthusiasts at the traditional winter event, the eleventh edition, dubbed " Magic Vernissage". The Magic edition of the Wine Vernissage will take place in an atmosphere of art, with theatrical scenery, living statues, mimes and jugglers, the sound of music from the ballet "The Nutcracker", at the Palace of the Republic, located at the address: Maria Cebotari str. 16, Chisinau. ...
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The governor of Gagauzia, Irina Vlah, invites all interested people to visit the Wine Festival "Gagauz şarap yortusu - 2016", which will take place on November 6 in Comrat at 11:00. The Wine Day is an annual celebration held in Comrat, which acquaints visitors with the culture and traditions of the Gagauz people.     ...
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23 October 2016
The competence, the perfect service and the exciting wine tours offered by, have become a topic of interest to the press in Ukraine. We thank for friendship and boundless love towards Moldova. Please read below the latest appearance in the PremiumCar magazine from Ukraine. ...
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1. The history of Wine of Moldova starts in 3000 BC, while the first vines were recorded here 7000 years BC. PC: 2. Moldova hosts two world’s largest wine cellars and wine collections. Cricova is the largest wine cellar in Europe, while Mileștii Mici is the largest wine...
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Winetours Moldova invites you to visit the Winery from Tiraspol "KVINT", on 8th October, when a new edition of "The Wine Day" will be organized. On this day, all guests of the enterprise will be able to participate in a free tour of the factory and visit the collection of the company KVINT. The event will include fascinating master classes hosted by the main winemaker, where the best wines and new products will be offered, and the new wine of the harvest of 2016. ...
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Ca în fiecare an, de Ziua Națională a Vinului, vinăriile din Republica Moldova își deschid ușile și vin cu oferte speciale pentru toți doritorii de a participa într-o excursie la vinărie. În cadrul evenimentului, pe Piața Marii Adunări Naționale, va fi organizat un info point turistic, care va oferi vizitatorilor tururi tematice din inima capitalei spre originile vinurilor de calitate din țara noastră: galerii subterane, beciuri, vii, săli de degustare, crame și pensiuni. Vinării mici și mari așteaptă vizitatorii cu programe speciale și posibilitatea de a descoperi legendele Vinului Moldovei, de a afla secretele vinificatorilor și ...
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