Cricova Winery Combinatul de Vinuri "CRICOVA" S.A. reopens its doors for visitors starting with June 15, 2020. On this occasion we have a special offer for you: buy 1 ticket and get another 2 for free.Do not miss this deal, which is valid only for June 15 to June 30, 2020.UPDATE: offer extended until July 30, 2020!The ticket price is 350 MDL for tours 10.00-15.00, for tours after 15.00 and weekend tours is 450 MDL Prior booking only. No advance payments.
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Today, June 4, the Republic of Moldova celebrates Banking Worker's Day. Every year, as part of this celebration, the National Bank of Moldova organized the Open Day at the NBM. So, interested people could visit the NBM exhibition.
The collection of exhibits in the Exhibition Hall reflects the monetary circulation on the territory of the Republic of Moldova from 1991 to the present. Most of the collection includes banknotes and coins issued by the National Bank of Moldova, banknotes and coins representing the currencies of international central banks.
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Every year, on June 3rd, the wine community is celebrating the International Sommelier Day.In medieval times and before, the sommelier was not associated necessary with wine. The modern sense of the sommelier as a wine steward arose in the late 18th century after the first public restaurants were opened in Paris. As this industry thrived, specialists were needed to ensure that restaurants had a proper supply of wine in their cellars – first in barrels and only much later in bottles.Today the ...
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Premiere with wine tasting at the National Theater "Satiricus"
A premier of wine tasting, dishes and a more than attractive title: "Wine, Women and Everything You Want" took place on January 11 at the National Theater "Satiricus - Ion Luca Caragiale". The comedy, signed by the playwright Andrei Strambeanu, was brought on stage by the director Alexandru Grecu.
The imaginary space where the action takes place is a winery, where actors and viewers are in the immediate vicinity. "Wine, women and Everyt...
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Winetours Moldova invites you every weekend to explore new tourist destinations, to taste great wines and to meet the talented people who make them.Color your weekends by participating in the weekend tours organized by the Winetours Moldova team. We create authentic and delicious wine and food tours with first-class experience in Moldova.
On 02 February 2019, we organize a special winter picnic at the first urban winery of the capital - ATU Winery...
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The only international underground wine and street music festival – Underland Wine & Music Fest returns this February! The most crazy and cheerful underground city in the world will open its doors for the third edition. All those in love with wine, music, joy and good will are invited on Saturday, February 23, to mark Dragobete, the feast of love celebrated by all Romanians, which also announces the coming of spring.
The most astounding underground carnival in the world awaits you with a t...
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The National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History invites you to the traditional mask making workshop. The event will take place on December 6, 2018 at 13.00. The workshop will be attended by local artisans as well.
For making these masks, sheep or goat skin, alder wood and horns are usually used. In the Romanian folk tradition, masks are related to winter holidays. Boys of the village play dances specific to the area, and the viewers are the vi...
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Three localities from the central part of the country, Cioresti, Dolna and Micleuseni, launched the rural touristic route “Dor de Codru” (Longing for the Forest). Beautiful places, secular Codri, popular crafts persons and agro-touristic pensions are among the 20 sightseeing places included in the route.
The touristic route will boost the attractiveness of this region. An increase in the number of tourists will support the residents of the three communities to develop additional...
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Pe 04 noiembrie, în Găgăuzia a fost serbat cu mare fast Festivalul Vinului Gagauz şarap yortusu. Potrivit agenţiei INFOTAG, la eveniment au participat mii de locuitori ai autonomiei şi oaspeţi străini, inclusiv participanţii celei de-a patra ediţii a forumului internaţional investiţional Invest-Gagauzia, care a avut loc sâmbătă la Comrat.
„Desfăşurăm din nou un festival al vinului, care arată bogăția culturii găgăuze. Oaspeții care au venit în Găgăuzia vor vedea cât de ospitalieri sunt oamenii noștri, cât de d...
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Turismul de aventură devine tot mai popular în Republica Moldova. Una dintre principalele destinații este Orheiul Vechi. În curând, cei care vor vizita această rezervație cultural-naturală vor găsi acolo traseuri noi pentru bicicliști și alergători, dar și spații pentru observarea păsărilor.
Orheiul Vechi va deveni în curând principala destinație de vizitat pentru cei...
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