This fall, all wine wine lovers, amateur and professional sportsmen are invited to attend to an unique trail race in Moldova, Purcari Wine Run, which passes through the vineyards of Chateau Purcari. The competition will be held on September 3, 2017. Participants will challenge themselves on a unpredictable terrain, yet surrounded by delightful vineyard landscapes.
The distance of the race is 10 kilometers. R...
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An exceptional classical music show will take place on August 20th at Castle Mimi. The well-known composer Eugen Doga will perform an open air concert, accompanied by the orchestra of the National Theatre of Opera and Balet ”Maria Biesu”.
This heartily event will be attended by all those who love classical music and enjoy tasting delicious wines in a delightful ambiance with an incredible acoustic. In the charming courtyard of the Castel Mimi, near the fount...
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This fall, a big celebration will take place at Cricova Winery, a next edition of the ”Must Fest”. This year the ceremony has a double feast: the golden age of the grapes harvest in Moldova and the 65th anniversary of Winery Cricova. The grandiose concert will be held in the vineyards of ”Cricova”, in the heart of the country.
Till twilight of Thursday, September 7th, we will discover the juicy areas of the event: fair with handicraft objects, th...
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"Hello Autumn" at Purcari celebrates the beginning of fall. On September 16th a spectacular program awaits you at the oldest winery in Moldova. The participants at the event will discover the secular traditions of wine making.
The guests will participate at excursions and wine tasting, will compete in a crushing grapes contest and will attend a masterclass of carving and thematic crafts. Activities for different ages will be org...
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One of the most awaited events of the year will take place on 7-8 October 2017. The National Wine Day marks the secular tradition of winemaking of Moldova. The event will be celebrated in the entire country.
This year is the 16th edition, hosted by the national wine brand” Wine of Moldova. A legend alive”. Wine and vine motifs are deeply rooted in local culture, and are the core features of National Wine Day..
These motifs can be explored in a series of activities such as ”The Wine School”, where visitors can learn the art of appreciating, consuming and serving wines under the guidance of expert sommeliers, or ”The Wine Rou...
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Good news for the local winemakers. UNWTO Global Conference on Wine Tourism will be held next year in Moldova. The announcement was made by the Director of the Tourism Agency of Moldova, Mr. Stanislav Rusu.
The first edition of the World Wine Tourism Conference took place in the wine region of Kakhetia, Georgia in 2016, and the second was held in the wine region of Mendoza, Argentina, in September 2017.
The conference t...
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Autumns are known for their rich harvest, but for Winetours Moldova this autumn is particularly fruitful. At the 16th edition of the National Wine Day, Winetours Moldova was awarded by Wine of Moldova (National Office for Vine and Wine) for outstanding achievements in the development and promotion of oenotourism. For the first time a travel agency is awarded with the Gratitude Medal "Wine of Moldova. A legend alive". Candidates for prizes for excellence in the wine sector have been proposed and evaluated by a republican committee of experts of the field.
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Come this weekend at Castel Mimi, enjoy the season of colors and taste. We will prepare a decor with lots of sunshine and color.
In the program:
Winery tours (en / en / ru)Show of the musical and multicolored fountainPhoto Zone
The beginning of the event is 11:00, Saturday and Sunday, 21 and 22 October 2017.
Menu:Quishe with lee...
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În premieră pentru țara noastră, pasionații de cultura vinului, dar și experții din domeniul vinicol au ocazia de a participa în data de 14 decembrie la „Grand Assemblage” și „Grand Tasting” cu Andreas Larsson. Expertul de talie internațională este considerat unul dintre cei mai influenți critici de vin la nivel mondialși deține numeroase titluri în domeniu, inclusiv „Cel mai bun somelier din lume al anului 2007”. Evenimentele prezentate de expertul suedez marchează începutul campaniei de iarnă „Vinul Moldovei – Arta Asamblajului”, care va cuprinde mai multe evenimente tematice, fiind desfășurată de Oficiul Național al Viei și Vinului (ONV...
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„Vinul unei nopți de iarnă”: La Vernisajul Vinului simți fiecare nuanță a soiurilor autohtone
Pregătiți-vă pentru cel mai mare și deosebit bal mascat al anului – „Vinul unei nopți de iarnă”, Vernisajul Vinului. Într-o atmosferă de mister, intrigă și suspans, masca va fi un dress-code obligatoriu pentru fiecare oaspete dornic să descopere în profunzime subtilitățile Vinului Moldovei. Somelieri celebri invitați vor contura eleganța și rafinamentul evenimentului, care își propune să promoveze un nou concept de cultură a vinului de calitate, precum și de formare a conștiinței unui consum moderat și res...
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