
Ca în fiecare an, de Ziua Națională a Vinului, vinăriile din Republica Moldova își deschid ușile și vin cu oferte speciale pentru toți doritorii de a participa într-o excursie la vinărie. În cadrul evenimentului, pe Piața Marii Adunări Naționale, va fi organizat un info point turistic, care va oferi vizitatorilor tururi tematice din inima capitalei spre originile vinurilor de calitate din țara noastră: galerii subterane, beciuri, vii, săli de degustare, crame și pensiuni. Vinării mici și mari așteaptă vizitatorii cu programe speciale și posibilitatea de a descoperi legendele Vinului Moldovei, de a afla secretele vinificatorilor și ...
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Winetours Moldova invites you to visit the Winery from Tiraspol "KVINT", on 8th October, when a new edition of "The Wine Day" will be organized. On this day, all guests of the enterprise will be able to participate in a free tour of the factory and visit the collection of the company KVINT. The event will include fascinating master classes hosted by the main winemaker, where the best wines and new products will be offered, and the new wine of the harvest of 2016. ...
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One of the most awaited events of the year will take place on 7-8 October 2017. The National Wine Day marks the secular tradition of winemaking of Moldova. The event will be celebrated in the entire country. This year is the 16th edition, hosted by the national wine brand” Wine of Moldova. A legend alive”. Wine and vine motifs are deeply rooted in local culture, and are the core features of National Wine Day.. These motifs can be explored in a series of activities such as ”The Wine School”, where visitors can learn the art of appreciating, consuming and serving wines under the guidance of expert sommeliers, or ”The Wine Rou...
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On the ocasion of the World Tourism Day, the company Winetours Moldova, launches the very first Wine Walking Tour in Chisinau. Taste your way through Moldova's savory capital on a 2h wine walking tour! Taste national specialty "placinta" and sample 3 wines, while exploring the city on foot with a wine-friendly guide. Between bites and wine, you will learn about Chisinau's fascinating architectural and cultural history. What'...
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