The underground city "Cricova" could become UNESCO heritage

The famous cellars from Cricova could be included in the UNESCO World Heritage, as a result of the collaboration agreement signed between the Tourism Agency of the Republic of Moldova and administration of the wine factory "Cricova".

Cricova is the first winery that signed an agreement of this kind, assuming the commitment to promote the country's tourism potential by organizing info-tours, participating in setting up tourist information points at the border crossing points of the country.


"The underground city Cricova is the Olympus of the wine tourism business in Moldova. By signing this agreement, it will attract a greater number of tourists and will directly contribute to increased sales of tour packages. However, we propose to include wine tourism attractions of the country in the European cultural route Wine Road "said Mr. Carp, the director of Cricova.

Referring to the long-term prospects, the director of the Tourism Agency of Moldova, Stanislav Rusu said "We are committed to providing all necessary assistance to the underground city "Cricova" in order to become an UNESCO heritage. We rely on the support of external partners and projects that offer assistance to wine tourism sector. As well I would like to point out, that according to the agreement signed, in May 2017 we will organize a major event, extremely important for our country - we invite all ministers of tourism of the 44 states of Europe who will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the famous cellars from Cricova".


Recall that in 2015, Moldova was included in joint tourist route with Romania, a result of an agreement signed between the two states. Thanks to it, only the previous year, the complex "Cricova" was visited by over 45 thousand tourists - a record number for wineries in Moldova, an increase of 30% over the previous year.

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