Fortresses on the territory of Moldova

Soroca Fortress (Soroca town)
Prince Stephen the Great built in 1499, on the place of the Genoese fortress Olihionia (Alciona), a square wooden fortress. The fortress became part of Moldova’s defense system. Between 1543-1546, instead of the wooden fortress was built one in stone. The priceless historical value of Soroca Fortress lies in the fact that it is preserved until nowadays the way it was created by Middle Ages craftsmen.

Tighina / Bender Fortress  (Tighina/Bender town)
An architectural monument of the sixteenth century, located on the right bank of the Nistru River in the city of Bender. It is not a Moldovan fortress, but a Turkish one, since in 1538, when the Turks secluded this area from the country of Moldova (before the Turks the town bore the name Tighina), they virtually rebuilt the city – this place is a Moldovan wood and earth fortress. The translation of Iranian Bender means
“the city at a ditch”.

PC: Vadim Șterbate

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