
The first Moldovan Castle, located in Bulboaca, Anenii Noi, it will be open to the public on 17th of September 2016, as a result of largest restoration works in the recent history of Moldova. The castle was founded in 1893 by Constantin Mimi, the last governor of Bessarabia and a great winemaker of his time. Several decades, Constantin Mimi's property was hidden from the world. Only in 2010, as part of routine work, workers removed the cladding of building, discovering a true architectural gem. Then it was decided to restore fundamentally the castle, cellars and underground galle...
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Winetours Moldova provides interviews about interesting people, working in hospitality and wine tourism in Moldova. Finds out their story, their thoughts about wine, guests they meet and challenges they face. *** This week our guest of The Friday VINterview is Vlad Tcaci, tehcnologist in divin at the Wine and Divin Factory "Barza Albă".                    ...
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The winery "Milestii Mici" invites us, on August 27, to celebrate the Open Doors Day at the Winery. Milestii Mici underground galleries are located at a depth of up to 85 m and is the largest network of underground galleries and the largest wine collection in the world. This fact has been documented officially by The Guinness Book of World Records in 2005. The underground network of roads from Milestii Mici has more than 200 kilometers, more than 50 km of wine galleries, over 2 million bottles of wine, some dating back to 1968. ...
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Et Cetera Winery invites you Sunday, September 11 to a unique annual event – Harvest 2016. As part of this event, you will have the chance to participate in one of the most important parts of winemaking process - grape harvest! The event program will include: - Welcome coffee break- White grape harvest under the personal guidance of winemaker- Tasty break with placintas and Rose in the middle of vineyards- The event will culminate with a barbeque party with spe...
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The wine and divin (cognac) producer from Tiraspol KVINT, invites you to attend to the traditional event "Open Doors Days". The program will include the visit to vineyards of the KVINT company in the village Doibani,  visit of the grape processing department and tasting of young wines, year of harvest 2016. The most active participants of the quiz, organized on the way back, will receive awards from the winery. ...
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Winetours Moldova provides interviews about interesting people, working in hospitality and wine tourism in Moldova. Finds out their story, their thoughts about wine, guests they meet and challenges they face. *** Our new guest of the project - The Friday VINterview, is Olga Luchianov, tourism manager at the winery Et Cetera.                               ...
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Winetours Moldova provides interviews about interesting people, working in hospitality and wine tourism in Moldova. Finds out their story, their thoughts about wine, guests they meet and challenges they face. *** Our new guest of the project - The Friday VINterview, is Natalia Capmare, tourism manager at the winery MigdalP, Chateau Cojusna.                              ...
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Ca în fiecare an, de Ziua Națională a Vinului, vinăriile din Republica Moldova își deschid ușile și vin cu oferte speciale pentru toți doritorii de a participa într-o excursie la vinărie. În cadrul evenimentului, pe Piața Marii Adunări Naționale, va fi organizat un info point turistic, care va oferi vizitatorilor tururi tematice din inima capitalei spre originile vinurilor de calitate din țara noastră: galerii subterane, beciuri, vii, săli de degustare, crame și pensiuni. Vinării mici și mari așteaptă vizitatorii cu programe speciale și posibilitatea de a descoperi legendele Vinului Moldovei, de a afla secretele vinificatorilor și ...
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1. The history of Wine of Moldova starts in 3000 BC, while the first vines were recorded here 7000 years BC. PC: 2. Moldova hosts two world’s largest wine cellars and wine collections. Cricova is the largest wine cellar in Europe, while Mileștii Mici is the largest wine...
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Mimi Castle leads the country's fame all over the world. Molodva Post Service has launched in April 2017 a new series of post stamps, called "Europe 2017. Castles", and the stamp Castel Mimi has reached the contest of the most beautiful post stamps in Europe. The Republic of Moldova is among the winners of the competition for the most beautiful postage stamp in Europe, called “Europe’s Castles”. Thus, following the online vote, the awards were won by the Turkish Post (gold...
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